Deep Learning for Brain-Signal Decoding from Electroencephalography#


Brain-signal decoding using machine learning can process larger amounts of signals and extract different information than humans can, with potential uses in medical diagnosis or brain-computer interfaces. In particular, brain-signal decoding from electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings is a promising area for machine learning due to the relative ease of acquiring large amounts of EEG recordings and the difficulty of interpreting them manually. Deep neural networks are a natural choice to train to decode EEG signals as they have been successful at a variety of natural-signal decoding tasks like object recognition from images or speech recognition from audio. However, prior to the work in this thesis, it was still unclear how well deep neural networks perform on EEG decoding compared to hand-engineered, feature-based approaches, and more research was needed to determine the optimal approaches for using deep learning to decode EEG. This thesis describes constructing and training deep neural networks for EEG decoding that perform as well as feature-based approaches and developing visualizations that suggest they extract physiologically meaningful features.




Introduction and Background


Deep learning on EEG is a very promising approach for brain-signal-based medical applications

Prior Work

Prior to 2017, research did not clearly show how competitive deep learning is compared with well-optimized feature baselines

Filterbank Common Spatial Patterns and Filterbank Network

Filter Bank Common Spatial Patterns was an inspiration for initial network architectures


Neural Network Architectures for EEG-Decoding

Progressively more generic neural network architectures for EEG decoding were created

Cropped Training

A training strategy to use many sliding windows was implemented in a computationally efficient manner

Perturbation Visualization

A visualization of how frequency features affect the trained network was developed

Invertible Networks

Invertible networks as more interpretable EEG classifiers

Applications and Results

Movement-Related Decoding

Deep learning can be at least as good as feature-based baselines for movement-related decoding; deep networks also learn to extract known spectral features

Generalization to Other Tasks

Our deep networks generalize well to decoding other decoding tasks

Decoding Pathology

Deep networks designed for task-related decoding can also decode pathology well

Understanding Pathology Decoding with Invertible Networks

Better understanding of pathology decoding with invertible networks


Cross-dataset decoding, long-time-scale architectures and in-context learning may improve performance and interpretability